Work Permits

Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP)
After graduating from an eligible Designated Learning Institution (DLI), you may apply for a PGWP.
This is a work permit granted to students who have completed a Canadian course at a DLI with a minimum 8 months curriculum. We do however recommend courses/certificates/diplomas that have a curriculum of at least 12 months in duration. The Canadian work experience gained under a PGWP may count towards applying for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) category.

Other Working Permits:
Work as a Caregiver
Canada has long had a program to enable caregivers to come to Canada to work for a family or for elderly. Canada has in the past offered these workers a transition plan whereby these workers start off as temporary workers but are then able to apply for permanent residency after 24 months of completed full time work in Canada. This program has changed last Dec 1, 2014 and will change again next Nov 30, 2019. To discuss the specifics of the caregiver pathway program, please contact our office.

International Experience Class (IEC)
International Experience Class (IEC) is a travel and work program to bring youth and young adults to Canada on a temporary basis for up to one year. Citizens of participating countries with a bilateral youth mobility arrangement with Canada, offers this unique program to young adults between 18 and 35 years old opportunities to be eligible to travel and work in Canada.